Monday, January 12, 2009


January is an auspicious time for new beginnings. We hope that it will be an auspicious time as well for the starting of our blog! This blog will be contributed to by the staff and members of the Friends of Ganondagan and will share information about the Ganondagan site, Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) culture, health and wellness, news about upcoming events, and more.

For those who are not familiar with Ganondagan, it is a New York State Historic Site located in Victor, New York. Ganondagan is the location of a major 17th-century Seneca town and palisaded granary. The site today features a gift shop, a vistor's center, full-size replica of a 17th-century Seneca Bark Longhouse, miles of self-guided trails, trails to the mesa where a huge palisaded granary stored hundreds of thousands of bushels of corn, and the opportunity to learn about the destruction of Ganondagan, Town of Peace, in 1687. Ganondagan is also home to numerous events, festivals, and workshops promoting the message of peace as well as Haudenosaunee culture (both historic and contemporary), traditions, and artists.

Please stop back often to see what is new here! Nya: weh! (Thank You!)


1 comment:

  1. Kim:
    Well done I like the look of your Blog on Ganondagan. There is just enough information to arouse interest lately the site has had many cross country skiers and much snow shoeing. The site is not however overly crowded but is beautiful because of all the snow.


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