Monday, February 14, 2011

A sweet treat

With it being the mid-February holiday of St. Valentine's Day, we thought we would share a sweet treat with you. We've added a recipe for Strawberry Pan Cake to our recipe page. If you don't already have a gift for the one close to your heart,  this homemade dessert may show them how much you care.

Of note, the recipe we are sharing came from the book Enduring Harvests by E. Barrie Kavasch. This is a terrific book filled with Native American recipes. The book is organized by seasons and festivals. The recipes are from many different Nations and feature a variety of indigenous foods. Various anecdotes and history accompany each recipe. What a great way to learn the culture, history, and tastes of Turtle Island! Purchase your copy of this book by clicking the link included...

Of note, Winter has been bitter as of late. But the signs of Spring have already started to show. Warm weather birds have been seen and heard. May we hope for an early and gentle Spring!
